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Rawda_talrawabi's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
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Rawda_talrawabi's latest tips

Where can I watch World Cup 2022?

@Amigo Pub usually show sports matches, I know they have a bein subscription

Where can I find a Halloween party for adults?

Check out the TipnTag Daydreamer http://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%f0%9f%8e%83-october-2022-week-4/ (and keep an eye on the upcoming Weekender too!)

Where can I find spooky halloween activities?

checkout the TipnTag Daydreamer: http://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%f0%9f%8e%83-october-2022-week-4/

Where can I find a place that sells delicious pies like a Chinese pie or a burger dough pie?

One of the few actually good places that sell such pies is actually a pizza place, called @Pizza N' Pie they're really tasty!

Where can I find a Steak & Shrimp fusion dish around?

My recommendation would be the best and -probably- only really good you can find is @Black Skillet

Where can I find delicious baklava?

You can find some amazing baklava in @Nafeesah Sweets

Where can I find a karaoke place (exclude cyber gaia, and the squad)?

@Dubliners Irish Pub regularly hosts Karaoke nights! You should follow their IG page to stay updated ;)

Where can I learn latte art?

I would actually recommend getting your own supplies and practicing off of youtube tutorials. You can make as many mistakes as you want, and you can find the techniques that work best for you

Where can I find the best romantic spot?

I have a personal favorite spot, it's close to where @Hombre Kitchen is, there's a beautiful huge wall painting with a woman holding a floating lemon. it over looks ras el ein

Where can I find a nice place to take my fiancé's parents for dinner?

I would recommend you get the grilled fish @Al Kitkat it is absolutely divine

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