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Rasha Qtaish's Profile

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Rasha Qtaish's latest tips

Where can I buy a wifi surveillance camera (IP Camera)?

I trade in those, contact me if interested ...

Where can I get an oil change at a reputable place?

the best place is @Total Gas Station .. they have types of oil that are a lil bit more expensive but serves u up to 7000 km

Where can I buy hats?

@Kaza Marka Outlet Mall has a lot of nice options try them... and they always have 75% off

Where can I find a place that sells pills for weight loss good ones?

i have tried hundreds of pills an weight loss products for many years and believe me not one of them worked,, eat healthy and workout this is the only solution, other than that it is just money down the toilet

Where can I find winter boots?

OMG try @Kukla they have amazing designs and styles

Where can I find a place that plays live oud?

i think @Jafra Restaurant & Cafe has it... also @Al Huwara Restaurant and most of arabic cuisine resturants

Where can I buy shoes?

I find @Aldo shoes stylish and nice,a little expensive but u get a nice and modern pair

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