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Rasha Hussain's Profile

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Rasha Hussain's latest tips

Where can I find Ashwagandha herb and holy basil tea?

@Remedy's Wellness Pharmacy in Mecca street they have the loose herb and the have capsules as well . They also can order for you if there is something you need and its navailable.

Where can I find a shop that sells tea blends for a bargain?

@Alkabouse for coffe and tea at SWIEFIEH Village

Where can I find skincare made in Jordan as a souvenir?

@aminasskincare its oraginc and its local..also @futna the same

Where can I volunteer for an eco enviromental organisation?

I would say No to Foeme since I do not believe in programs or organisation that integrate Izrael into the system or support arab izraeli relationships. Thank you for the tip though .

Where can I find string cheese?

@alshamy for milk and dairy , they have different types . They have a great place on the beginning of airport road

Where can I find good psychologist and how long is the session and it's cost?

Dr.Janan Abu Alian Yaish. She is great , her office is in Swifie .the sessions usually are for an hour , however some doctors extend to 2 hours depending on methods and case. Also Dr. Adham Al Faris is good if your looking for a different and short aprouch. You can find them both through google search.

Where can I find a theta healer?

@theta_heal_with_mays_shakhshir @rs.thetahealing youbcan find them both on Instagram cant tag them here for some reason

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