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Rana's latest tips

Where can I borrow books?

@Mintaad.com mintaad is Jordan's first and only online book rental library that delivers books to your door. mintaad offers a large selection of children and adult books covering a wide range of genres from Art and Music to classics, new releases, bestsellers, and much more. - You select the books you like and they are delivered to your door - When you are finished reading them, mintaad picks them up and delivers your new book selection to you

Where can I rent books?

@Mintaad.com it's Jordan's first and only online book rental library that delivers books to your door. mintaad offers a large selection of children and adult books covering a wide range of genres from Art and Music to classics, new releases, bestsellers, and much more. You select the books you like and they are delivered to your door and when you are finished reading them, mintaad picks them up and delivers your new book selection to you

Where can I find a good library for buying and renting books?

@Mintaad.com mintaad is Jordan's first and only online book rental library that delivers books to your door. mintaad offers a large selection of children and adult books covering a wide range of genres from Art and Music to classics, new releases, bestsellers, and much more. - You select the books you like and they are delivered to your door - When you are finished reading them, mintaad picks them up and delivers your new book selection to you

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