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Shower Singer

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Where can I find an ugly Christmas sweater?

@Urban Outfitters Back Bay - they always have crazy things so you're bound to find that ugly sweater ^.^

Where can I get a relaxing massage?

InterContinental Boston - Pretty high class, but if you want a good spa day go here :)

Where can I dance to salsa music?

@Mojitos Latin Lounge - they have Latin weekends !!

Where can I eat a slice of homemade pie?

@KO Catering and Pies - If you're looking for great dinner pies with an Australian Theme :)

Where can I find a "no frills" dive bar?

TC's Lounge - they have arcade games too o.o

Where can I find a large selection of delicious cupcakes?

@Sweet Tooth Boston - has some nice looking designer cupcakes if you're into that :)

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