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Where can I find nike roshe run flyknit (original & new, not online)& for how much?

@farah d. nope i didnt go anywhere, i just want to know if its available in jordan & its price..

Where can I purchase Nike/Adidas running shoes for a cheaper price?

@Adidas they have a lot of shoes on sale at the moment, they also have new arrivals

Where can I find how much is Adidas superstar shoes?

i got it yesterday from @Adidas for 45 JD, kids size

Where can I buy a gift online, I'm out of Jordan?

u can just use any online shopping site (aliexpress, ebay, amazon, ..etc) and have a mail box & u can make them ship it to the address of the mail box & then have someone to go take it..

Where can I buy bananas?

umm in any supermarket

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