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Pussy Cat
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Dining & Nightlife

Nash91111's latest tips

Where can I find a place that sells Lunch boxes?

i would recommend @IKEA they have some nice lunch boxes

Where can I find a place that sells sports equipment?

depending on what you're looking for but you can find sports equipment @Baraka Sports

Where can I find vicks vaposhower?

you might find @Rawhi Pharmacy if not check @Ubuy Jordan

Where can I find the best place to take pics alone?

you can find a lot of spots in weibdeh to take pictures in

Where can I buy cat repellent?

i don't think we have it in Amman but you can check @Waterslager Pet Shop

Where can I buy bathrobes?

you can find @Abdeen Home & Baby and their quality is amazing!

Where can I find handmade gifts?

you'll find handmade gifts @WOW Shop they have an amazing variety of gift options!

Where can I find nice, calm cafes with outdoor seating?

@Wild Jordan Center has a very nice outdoor area with a nice view, you can also check @Rumi Cafe

Where can I find creams, lotions, or gels that have a very high UREA percentage?

you can check @Ubuy Jordan they might have a gel that contains up to 40% urea

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