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Mark Collin's latest tips

Where can I take Java/HTML programming language?

if you want to learn how to code you gotta go to @Tech Talent South - NOLA Campus they have alot of courses that might be really helpful to you like code immersion or of course the intro to programming.

Where can I find a nice restaurant to eat dinner?

The oyster pan roast with creamed leeks @Angeline is amazing, as is the Mississippi rabbit Milanese. the place has a charm to it, its proper so make sure you are dressed right to go there.

Where can I find a fortune teller?

@Marie Laveau's House Of Voodoo does readings ranging from palm readings, past life readings, psychic medium readings and traditional card readings as well.

Where can I find Mardi Gras tours?

@Mardi Gras World is a tourist attraction where you can take a tour and see floats and other things

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