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Liam's Profile

Dining & Nightlife

Liam's latest tips

Where can I find alcohol delivery during quarantine?

I ordered from @Tasty Cold Cuts Liquor Store the other week, and their service was great. Plus they didn't overcharge me.

Where can I buy probiotic pills with high flora?

well you wouldn't want to go to @Pharmacy1 given that corona scandle, but i'm sure you can find probiotic pills at other pharmacies like @Rawhi Pharmacy

Where can I find fashion and sport outlet?

@City Sports but make sure you go to the basement that's where you'll find the best deals. It might take a bit of time, but it's worth it! If you want fashion outlets in general though go to @Wrentham Village Premium Outlets

Where can I find the best lounge?

Go to the @Sheesha Lounge I love that spot! But if you aren't a fan try @Vintage Lounge

Where can I get a tattoo?

@Hour Glass Tattoo Studios

Where can I find a good ice cream?

@Benson's Home Made Ice Cream , @Sunshine Farm or @Soc's Ice Cream they are all great ice cream spots

Where can I find fun places for kids?

@5 Wits It is great fun for the whole family

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