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Laith98's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Sous Chef
Shower Singer
Tech & Gaming
Casual Gamer

Laith98's latest tips

Where can I find the best truffles?

The Belgium truffles @Caramelt

Where can I find a guitar hero Metallica Competition?

@Milano Game Station you can go with a group of your friends and play it there.

Where can I find a manga shop?

@16:9 Widescreen has a whole manga section that holds great deal of titles from the different manga series.

Where can I find a place that sells punching bags?

Check with @Olympiad Sporting Goods. They almost have everything

Where can I buy a PlayStation 4?

@MOG Underground their official release date was on Dec.13th

Where can I buy balloons?

You can find some @Smiley Balloons or @BalloonzMania. I like both of them!

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