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King Lebron's latest tips

Where can I chill at a nice bar after work?

@Siddharta Lounge it's a great place to just chill, and it opens at 6

Where can I eat the best chicken fajita sandwiches?

@Chili's that's the best chicken fajita i've tasted

Where can I have the best coffee?

in my opinion, the best coffee ever is at @Starbucks ... enjoy the taste of real coffee my friend :P

Where can I buy the best filter coffee?

@BLOOMS BURY's coffee is good. I've tried their black americano which was great so I bet their filter coffee is great as well and they definitely sell it

Where can I take flying lessons?

try the @UAQ Aeroclub

Where can I find a good place to study?

If you're loooking for a quiet place and some decent coffee i would suggest you go to the original @mOre Cafewhich is in Garhoud :)

Where can I find a Spanish tutor?

check with @Eton Institute they have Spanish classes for English & Arabic speakers and they have it in private/semi private/small groups sessions

Where can I find a road with no speed cameras?

I think Kalba Rd. has no speed cameras but it's on your own risk my friend :) I do not advise it though but if you're going for it, try it on a Friday morning where there's less traffic and look for the straight part not the curvy one...just a couple of tips :)

Where can I buy cheap PS3 games?

Surf this site here www.dubizzle.com you'll what you're looking for I'm sure...it got everything from used PS3 games to new ones

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