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Fashion & Beauty

Jessica's latest tips

Where can I find an Aerial Photography Company?

Check out @Copper Shoot they specialize in aerial photography.

Where can I take cooking lessons?

@Blue Flame in the Jumeirah Creekside Hotel. You can book your class at 7:00 p.m daily with the chef de cuisine to learn how to make simple but sophisticated dishes.

Where can I find the best club?

@Nasimi Beach at night is absolutely crazy the music is always good and the crowd is always pumped

Where can I get the best Pecan Pie?

@Cafe Bateel has a great Kholas Pecan Pie! With crispy sugar dough, baked with a mixture of prime pecans, sweet date dhibs and Kholas dates topped with caramelised pecan nuts!

Where can I go to eat Turkey & Pumpkin Pie this Thursday evening?

@The Black Lion is a new American gastropub that is offering a not so traditional Thanksgiving cuisine, but a 5 course meal with favorites like crab cakes, short rib hash and baked vanilla cheesecake. Each course will be paired with select beverages! It will run you about 395 dh - but call and book now, also ask about their traditional Thanksgiving brunch if that is more your style.

Where can I learn video editing?

Of course @SAE Institute Dubai is a great option for learning video editing and other basic or advance skills in film making

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