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Dining & Nightlife
Michelin Star Chef
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Hipsterlife's latest tips

Where can I buy pilates socks (grip kind)?

@Champions GRIPPY YOGA-BARRE SOCKS these full-toe grippy socks have a ballet-inspired design that is perfect for yoga, Pilates, barre, and dance.

Where can I buy a custom-built gaming PC?

@GTS - Glory For Technology Services is a reputable option to consider. They specialize in custom and gaming PCs, offering a range of configurations to meet various performance needs. You can explore their offerings and customize your gaming rig through their website

Where can I learn coding from scratch?

@Pioneers Academy Best programming languages to learn: ASP.NET, Java, Matlab, PHP, Microsoft Azure, Android, Oracle developer & Front end engineering design.

Where can I order family-sized platters for a big gathering?

@Platter Jo Online store that provides customized wooden boards with a unique food presentation. Cheese & Sweets platters.

Where can I find an affordable gym with good equipment?

@Techno Fitness 24 Specializes in bodybuilding with a range of equipment suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. 

Where can I find thrift stores?

@Friday Market is the right place, they have lots of brands for a very low price

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