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Hi_twentyeighteen's Profile

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Hi_twentyeighteen's latest tips

Where can I go to celebrate an anniversary?

@Mountain Breeze Lodge & Resort is easily the best place to go to for such an occasion

Where can I get Jameson whiskey?

@Get Spiritz check out their website, there are offers on Rum today as well for their ladies night

Where can I find comfy sweatpants with a fur inside?

You might be able to find @Terranova or @Calliope , I used to get leggings with fur inside from there. other than that I believe your best shot is online shopping

Where can I get brandy and cold cuts in the same place?

You can order them @Get Spiritz and have them delivered to your place within 45 minutes

Where can I go for the best first date, dinner on Friday?

A nice picnic @Carakale Brewing Company would be a very good idea for a first date if you would like to talk and enjoy each other's company

Where can I find the best seafood restaurant?

@Da Esmat has delicious seafood pasta and @Brick Lane 's seafood platter is one of the best things you can try

Where can I buy a low price arabic initial necklace?

Silver necklaces' prices depend on the weight of the necklace, I normally like to buy them @Al Afghani Bazar , Check it out

Where can I find second hand furniture in zarqa?

Your best shot is at checking @OpenSooq for what you are looking for around Zarqa

Where can I get a coffee table for a reasonable price?

@IKEA has plenty of choices and great quality for good prices

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