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Hameed W Farah's Profile

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Hameed W Farah's latest tips

Where can I buy a portable cotton candy machine?

Tloo3 al mosdar near Amman municipality

Where can I find a Toslink Switch?

@zaki al ghul in jam3a st. (Sony distributor) or probably @RadioShack

Where can I buy a modded controller for Xbox 360?

Anything xbox you can probably find at @Aladdin Computer Center

Where can I buy a modded controller for Xbox 360?

What do you mean modded controller?

Where can I buy a cheap kitchen sink and taps?

Khalda...the area around @Rawan Cake has many options

Where can I find Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsules?

@Miles brings a few every couple of months or your only option is to buy online

Where can I find an original iPhone 6 Plus?

All all the stores in the 7th circle have it

Where can I buy a phone cover for a Sony Xperia M2?

Goto amazon and pick any cover you want and I can get it for you Email me Hameedo@Gmail.com

Where can I find Nike air force 1 white shoes?

I can get them for you, any size you want. They will cost you around 150 jds Email me hameedo@gmail.com

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