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Hala n's latest tips

Where can I buy a snack vending machine?

go to http://jordanvending.com/ they sell all kinds of vending machines.

Where can I buy Viva La Juicy perfume?

Try @Abu Shakra and @Vavavoom you should find it there

Where can I find sweet potatoes?

@Virgin Megastore @Sameh Mall but maybe you'll find better quality in the nearest veggies store (y)

Where can I find a supermarket that sells Gas bottles?

Well, for safety issues its illegal for super markets to sell gas and such. you can always get gas from the nearest gas station :)

Where can I find an outdoor place for a wedding?

check out @Zuwar they have a great venue for out door weddings

Where can I take the course: Oracle (EBS) Human Capital Management Essentials?

I dont know if you can find the course in Amman but you can check out udemy there's a course for $10. https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?q=oracle+ebusiness&src=sac&lang=en

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