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Florahijj33's Profile

Dining & Nightlife

Florahijj33's latest tips

Where can I find local gift ideas for Christmas?

@JELD they have really cute wallets that you could engrave on them

Where can I buy sushi platter or lunch box on a budget?

You should try @Sushi Land they have this meal which includes 24 pieces with one Kani Salad for only 21 JD's

Where can I find hidden gems around?

@Jasmine House Art & Food the restaurant is a 1950s villa, takes inspiration from the Italian homes of the period!

Where can I find cheap misk oil?

i bought one from @ZAZA Accessories & Make Up , its not that bad to be honest if you're on a budget!

Where can I train to play billiardo?

Not sure if they have any academies that offer training, but you can always play billiard @Kempinski Hotel Amman and you can ask them there, someone might be able to help!

Where can I find a legit tarot reader?

I dont think you will be able to find one in Amman, but you can always order the cards online @Ubuy Jordan and do it yourself!

Where can I make new friends?

you can always do some volunteer work @Tkiyet Um Ali , I always meet people there and we end up having the best time!

Where can I find books by Nawal Saadawi?

@Jabal Tariq Bookshop or you could look for them @The Good Book Shop

Where can I find the best party store?

I always recommend @Bash Jo to my friends, such a quality place and they have everything you need! Try using their app as well, i ordered the other day and it was so easy to use

Where can I buy squatty potty?

I dont think there is a place in Amman that sells it, but you can always look for it on @Ubuy Jordan

Where can I find the best ribeye angus in town?

or you could checkout @The Meat Master , not sure if they have the ribeye angus, but you can call them and ask

Where can I find the best cheese burgers in town?

Have you tried @Let's Meat 's burgers? One of the best meat qualities in town!

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