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Dania Jaber's latest tips

Where can I buy baby skip hop supplies?

@Bambini JO Skip Hop - Explore & More Baby's View 3-Stage Activity Center - 145 JD

Where can I find an affordable gym with good equipment?

@Zero Size Gym they have branches all over and they always have offers, check out their IG to know what are their offers in winter season

Where can I find a dentist that specializes in braces?

@Esthetic Dental Center (EDC) Offers comprehensive orthodontic treatments designed to correct alignment and bite issues for both children and adults. 

Where can I find a good yoga studio?

@Over The Rainbow The first yoga shop, studio, and school in Jordan, providing mind, body, and spiritual products and services to support inspirational ideas. 

Where can I eat Thai food?

@Thai Room is known for its authentic Thai dishes, including Som Tam Thai (traditional papaya salad). The restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and is available for delivery through Talabat.

Where can I find a cat cafe?

@Cat Jungle A cat café located in the Khalda area, providing a cozy environment where visitors can interact with friendly cats. Known for its charming ambiance and feline companionship. 

Where can I get a flowers seed?

@Ard & Ward offering a wide selection of flower seeds, along with plants, trees, and gardening supplies. They also offer advice on growing flowers in Jordan's climate.

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