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Batoul Taher's Profile

Fashion & Beauty
Dining & Nightlife

Batoul Taher's latest tips

Where can I find cruelty and animal testing free products like LUSH?

@Green 360º We provide ALL things cruelty-free and vegan

Where can I cruelty-free products (such as toothpaste)?

All things cruelty-free at @Green 360º

Where can I find "Elf" products other than chash basha?

@Green 360º We provide elf products as part of our mission to provide cruelty-free products

Where can I find organic, paraben free shampoo?

Ask for Petal Fresh shampoo from @Green 360º

Where can I find organic beauty products?

@Green 360º We have a collection of green ethical products.

Where can I find organic (chemical free) lip balms?

Check out @Green 360º There's palmer's and Sierra Bees is great and affordable

Where can I find organic hair products?

Ask for Petal Fresh Shampoo, or for a more eco-friendly alternative J.R Liggett's shampoo bars @Green 360º

Where can I find Ella's organic products?

@Green 360º we can provide them

Where can I find organic soap base?

Try the J.R Liggett's shampoo soaps from @Green 360º

Where can I find organic makeup?

@Green 360º we offer all things natural ethical and green.

Where can I find good and completely natural shampoos?

@Green 360º ask for petal fresh shampoo, or J. R Liggett's Shampoo bars.

Where can I find natural oil for face and massage?

@Green 360º ask for mama earth brand its 100% natural and organic

Where can I find natural hair products?

@Green 360º If you have a specific brand we can provide it.

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