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Arts & Crafts

Aisha Salman's latest tips

Where can I find art job or handmade job?

@WaraGami King Hussein Business park, Bldg.7- @Oasis 500 Offices A03 + A05 Be a #WaraGamer

Where can I buy a quilling tool?

@WaraGami is specialized in paper art "Origami & Quilling", You can find all the needed tools & materials in addition to the step-by-step (Arabic/English) guidebooks that help you create different shapes & designs in a fun way. The location:Amman, King Hussein Business park, Bldg 7, @Oasis 500 Office A03 + A05

Where can I buy cheap things for DIY?

@WaraGami you can find all the needed materials and tools in paper Art (Origami & Quilling) ورقامي توفر جميع المواد والأدوات اللازمة في الفنون الورقية(الأوريجامي والكويلينج) بالإضافة للكتيبات التعليمية والفيديوهات للتمكنوا من عمل مختلف الأشكال والتصاميم بطريقة ممتعة . Be a #WaraGamer: www.waragami.com Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Google+ : WaragamiWorld

Where can I buy kraft paper?

@WaraGami You can find all paper materials and tools for craft (Origami & Quilling )

Where can I find a crafty store?

@WaraGami for paper art and craft (Origami & Quilling)

Where can I learn Origami Art?

@WaraGami www.WaraGami.com - @King Hussein Business Park @Oasis 500 #WaraGami12 #WaraGami

Where can I find origami lucky pastel star paper?

you can find all the origami kits & materials @WaraGami - @King Hussein Business Park ,Building.7 @Oasis 500 -you can call 0799862551

Where can I find a notebook with black pages?

@WaraGami company @King Hussein Business Park @BIG by @OrangeJO we can design for you a special noteBook - or contact us on social media @WaraGami12

Where can I find origami paper and other arts/crafts material?

@WaraGami company @King Hussein Business Park @BIG by @OrangeJO or contact them on social media @WaraGami12 or lai6h23@gmail.com

Where can I buy materials for handmade things?

@WaraGami company @King Hussein Business Park @BIG by @OrangeJO you can find a creative & Beautiful hand made thing ,,follow them on social media @WaraGami12

Where can I find origami paper and other arts/crafts material?

you can find all the materials that you need for paper arts(Quilling & origami) at @WaraGami company..our location at @King Hussein Business Park - Grow building- @BIG by @OrangeJO or contact us on social media - or +962799862551

Where can I buy a quilling tool?

from @WaraGami company..our location at @King Hussein Business Park - Grow building - @BIG by @OrangeJO Orange or contact us on social media - or +962799862551

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