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Abeer Fbajo's Profile

Health & Childcare

Abeer Fbajo's latest tips

Where can I find best laser clinic for acne scars?

@Oraclinic , Dr Samer haddad is the best in Jordan

Where can I find a place that does face filling?

@Oraclinic Dr Samer haddad is the best in Jordan

Where can I find a good place to get my nails done that isnt expensive (acrylics or gel)?

@Real Cosmetics best cosmetics store in Amman http://goo.gl/RT1au i think you might ask them first they are amazing

Where can I find sigma makeup brushes?

@Real Cosmetics best cosmetics store in Amman http://goo.gl/RT1au مكياج من كل شي i think you might ask them first they are amazing

Where can I find a great makeup salon?

@Lina Barghouti Phuket Spa http://goo.gl/HVO85 are great and friendly and you can ask anything on their facebook page

Where can I find green foundation makeup or tinted primer?

@Real Cosmetics best cosmetics store in Amman http://goo.gl/RT1au مكياج من كل شي whatever i want i find it there, facebook team are amazing too

Where can I find a salon for nail art?

@Lina Barghouti Phuket Spa http://goo.gl/sJwLc is amazing you have to contact them

Where can I find cheap wax or sugar treatment?

@Lina Barghouti Phuket Spa http://goo.gl/sJwLc is amazing you have to contact them they have an amazing offer this summer

Where can I get cheap/affordable makeup brushes?

@Real Cosmetics best cosmetics store in Amman http://goo.gl/RT1au مكياج من كل شي

Where can I buy makeup and makeup accessories?

@Real Cosmetics best cosmetics store in Amman http://goo.gl/RT1au مكياج من كل شي

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