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Abed Al-Rahman Rabaia's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Sous Chef
Training Wheels
Health & Childcare

Abed Al-Rahman Rabaia's latest tips

Where can I find the best chicken sandwiches?

@Malak Al Tawouk - they have a touk sandwich there and its good

Where can I eat manaeesh?

@Ajeenet Zamaan - they have that delicious za'atar manaeesh there

Where can I find a photography teaching center?

Be Pro - they have a photography course for 150JD - you can visit their facebook page http://goo.gl/BeR70 :)

Where can I find the best theme park?

@dream park - but its for kids between 5 and 15 years old :)

Where can I buy cages for cats ?

@Cobra Pet Shop - you can a lot of pet's stuff's there :)

Where can I eat yummy Cupcakes?

@Sugar Daddy's Bakery daddy's - they have delicious cupcakes there :)

Where can I find a good cat shelter?

@Cobra Pet Shop - i think you will find it there :)

Where can I buy a nice gift for my fiance?

@Gift Box - you can find a lot of things that you can gift :)

Where can I find the best seafood restaurant?

@Ocean Fresh Fish - I think you will find what do you want there

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