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31 Fans
We Farm

We Farm

4 Stars


Near Paris Circle, Nqoula Ghanma St.-Al Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy Vertical Hydroponics Grow System?

The people at @We Farm can help because they have a system in the store and said they would help set something up for me for a price should I be interested.

Where can I find halo ice cream?

this particular brand is not to be found, but you can check out these places. They have organic ice creams, @We Farm and @Four Winters

Where can I find Raw Honey?

@We Farm has different kinds of natural honey, check them out.

Where can I find lactose free ice cream?

@We Farm We Farm is an organic grocery store that carries quite a few decadent vegan dessert options. They have a selection of vegan ice cream, smoothies, fig bars, etc.

Where can I get vegan cake?

@We Farm They have a selection of vegan ice cream, smoothies, fig bars, etc.

Where can I buy aloe Vera juice?

@We Farm has aloe vera juice ready to go!

Where can I find vegan smoothies?

The Love Potion at @We Farm is delicious!

Where can I find small decorative lemon trees?

@We Farm you need to pre order so that they can bring it the shop or they can deliver it to you

Where can I find healthy dessert options?

@We Farm is an organic grocery store that carries quite a few decadent vegan dessert options. They have a selection of vegan ice cream, smoothies, fig bars, etc.

Where can I eat smoothie bowls?

@We Farm must try their Almond milk soft ice cream bowl with fruits salads. You can also build your own recipe

Where can I treat myself to a delicious smoothie?

@We Farm Try their Lemogranate or their Medjool. You won't regret it.
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