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9 Fans
Vega Fitness

Vega Fitness





Operating Hours:

Sat - Thu
5:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I find an affordable gym with good equipment?

@Vega Fitness offers a variety of fitness programs and modern equipment across multiple branches in Amman. 

Where can I find gyms for women that have a nice pool around khalda?

@Vega Fitness On the ground floor, you will find the pool with an outdoor terrace, a Jacuzzi, a Turkish steam bath, a wooden sauna, changing rooms and lockers, and bathrooms.

Where can I find a good gym?

@Vega Fitness their offers are amazing, they keep changing them every month. Call them to check their various offers

Where can I find Valentine's Day offers other than food?

@VegaFitness Three months 110 JOD + one month free for your partner

Where can I learn MMA?

@Fitness One Vega @VegaFitness
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