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27 Fans
Tropical Desert
Tropical Desert in Amman, Second Circle, Jordan. Map location, telephone number, operating hours, photos and reviews of Tropical Desert in Amman, Jordan
@Dynamix and @Tropical Desert Trips their FB page has an events category, they posted all the upcoming events they have. Check them out and their prices are average
Well of course there are the big ones like Petra, Dead Sea, Aqaba, Mount Nebo, etc.... But you should check out @Tropical Desert Trips or @Experience Jordan or @Black Iris Adventures all of these groups create events that you can explore and meet new people here in Jordan
I've been hiking with @Tropical Desert Trips and they were phenomenal. The lunch wasn't anything special but their safety and care during the somewhat dangerous hike we took was very impressive. They also had some great stories to tell...
There are actually a lot of Pro Hikers ing Tropical Desert Trips ails you can go on that are beautiful and not like the desert at all! I recommend Wadi Dana or Wadi Mujib, and you can book trips through @Pro Hikers or @Tropical Desert Trips . Both those areas in particular have waterfalls and canyons. Enjoy!
I suggest you contact the guys at @Tropical Desert Trips because they all have to take them so they might be able to refer you! Good luck and please let us know if you find anything
Try contacting the guys at @Tropical Desert Trips ( ) they sometimes sell used equipment (all safe don't worry!). Otherwise just try @Climbat . I know it's a long drive but you're guaranteed to find both shoes and equipment. And with the new road, it takes about ten minutes from the 4th Circle.