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4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Al Salam St. Al Salam Complex - Naour



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7 Days a Week; Except Friday
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a place that can organize a hiking trip for a group?

Oh, @TREKS can help you with that, just call them they will be happy to do that for you

Where can I buy a running backpack?

@TREKS is a great place to go! They have great options fir running backpacks, hydration bags and even hiking bags

Where can I find a rain slicker (coat)?

Try @TREKS or @Al Wadii for Camping Gear & Equipment they may carry it!

Where can I find sleeping bags?

You can get one @Go Sport or @Al Wadii for Camping Gear & Equipment or even @TREKS

Where can I buy a compass and ingrave text on it?

Any outdoor equipment store will probably have it, Try @TREKS they sell all hiking/camping needs and you can get @Ingrave-it to ingrave it for you.

Where can I find thick socks for hiking?

I believe @TREKS will have them. That is the best place for hiking gear I know of here..

Where can I buy hiking staff for reasonable prices?

@TREKS actually would help you as they have a good variety of hiking gears for a wide range of prices.

Where can I find some proper hiking/trekking boots?

@TREKS located down the road from Harley-Davidson, has the best rugged hiking gear at fair prices.

Where can I find a good place to go to while I'm bored?

Go out side the box go hiking try camping @TREKS will help you.

Where can I find an outdoor space to run and enjoy the sun?

@TREKS Can take you all around Jordan and the world hiking camping adventure more and more @TREKS

Where can I find a good sport bag?

at @TREKS you can find all hiking sport bags.
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