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15 Fans
The Nail Spa

The Nail Spa

3.25 Stars


Financial Centre Rd. Lower Ground Level, The Dubai Mall - Downtown Dubai



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

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Where can I find things to do during Valentine's Day?

@The Nail Spa is always a great place to start, girls love to get their nails done. It worked for me!

Where can I find the best nail salon?

@The Nail Spa It’s luxurious, it’s professional, and it’s one of the top spots in town for all things nail-related.

Where can I find the best nail salon?

@The Nail Spa has really professional nail artists

Where can I find good beauty center for a hair cut?

@Visage Beauty Center , @The Nail Spa these places are amazing

Where can I find a reasonably priced nail spa?

@The Nail Spa Or @Chi Nail Spa prices are usually the same if you want the best service

Where can I find nail salons?

@The Nail Spa is where my gf loves to go do her nails...they end up looking lovely so I can't complain!

Where can I buy nail stickers?

@The Nail Spa they had them. They may still but i saw them there months ago

Where can I get a snake venom facial?

@The Nail Spa the dubai mall branch got the most friendly staff.

Where can I find the best masseuse?

I personally enjoyed my massage @The Nail Spa in the Arabian Ranches Golf Club. While I was getting my manicure and pedicure, there was a third person who did a 20 minute shoulder, neck and scalp massage. It was discounted too because I was already there for another treatment. Best customer service too.
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