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196 Fans
The Humane Center for Animal Welfare

The Humane Center for Animal Welfare

5 Stars - 7 Votes


Airport Rd. King of Bahrain Forest - Airport Road



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I adopt or buy a kitten for a reasonable price?

There are so many cats in Jordan, I would really encourage you to adopt a rescue cat instead of paying for a kitten. The kittens I have seen for sell in Amman looked sick and unhealthy. The best resource for kittens and animals overall is @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare . They are located out on Airport Road in a beautiful facility. The staff is so helpful, friendly and very caring. You can visit with kittens and cats and pick the right one for your family. The adoption fee I believe is 70JD, and includes all immunizations, spaying/neutering, health exam, and micro-chip. I've worked with Miriam at the front desk, and she is amazing. Good luck!!! P.S: The Center has a page on Facebook too.

Where can I find a good place to spay my cat and how much does the whole thing cost?

we're booked in to spay our cats @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare t costs 40 JD per cat. Vetzone told us it would be 80 JD per cat.

Where can I find a good cat shelter?

Humane Center for Animal Welfare - I think these guys can help although I'm not sure if they only have a dog shelter. Give it a try...
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