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196 Fans
The Humane Center for Animal Welfare

The Humane Center for Animal Welfare

5 Stars - 7 Votes


Airport Rd. King of Bahrain Forest - Airport Road



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a free husky puppy plz important?

You should adopt a puppy from @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare there are a lot of dogs there that need a loving home. Not just a "free" animal thrown away but an animal that needs a forever home. A Husky is not the best dog to have for jordan because of the climate and if you find one here or at the humane you should be careful that they haven't been a cause of over breeding becuse they will have many illnesses.

Where can I get a cheap priced dog?

your better of going to the Animal shelter (Humane Center for Animal Welfare) on the aiport road and adopting one because its really hard to find the bread you want let alone be a pure breed, but some places that i know of are Benson or you can try the first circle there are many places there. (the tagged location shows the animal center)

Where can I rent or watch a cat for a week?

You should reach out @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare they always need foster parents for cats so you could watch them for a week and then say goodbye :)

Where can I buy or adopt a little cat?

You should also check out @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare they have a facebook page full of lovely animals that need homes. They get them all their shots and fix them so you just need to love them!

Where can I find a good variety of kittens for adoption?

@The Humane Center for Animal Welfare probably gets a lot of unwanted kittens and will have many different kinds. check there before the pet store

Where can I find a place that has all kind of dogs (popular ones )?

@Cobra Pet Shop has dogs, just call ahead and see what kinds they have exactly. Or you can rescue a dog from @The Humane Center for Animal Welfare

Where can I adopt a german shepherd puppy?

@The Humane Center for Animal Welfare is a good place to adopt pets. I am not sure if there are any German Shepherds at the moment though, so give them a call!
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