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83 Fans
The Body Shop

The Body Shop

5 Stars - 8 Votes


12 Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I buy scented candles on insta or fb?

@The Body Shop they have these amazing Yankee candles which can last for months, you can find their FB page in this link

Where can I cruelty-free products (such as toothpaste)?

@The Body Shop and if you are looking for make up you can go to @Flormar

Where can I find natural hair products?

well depends on your budget@The Body Shop has limited items one with Honey another with olive oil shampoo and conditioners.They have one called oil of life ,but not sure they got the shampoo items to Jordan yet. Also you have @L' OCCITANE but it's more pricey to. @Sharmiran they have a big varaity of hair products from across the globe they have a few organic and natural products. Happy Hair :D

Where can I buy a Valentine's day gift for my girlfriend for 50 JD?

If she loves girly things you can always get her a cute collection from @The Body Shop @Bath & Body Works or my favourite for such things which is @Natural Looks , such places always have offers for Valentine's day. You can get her accessories/scarf/bag/clutch/shoes from @Parfois @Koton or @H&M and of course you can buy her funky things from @Mlabbas @Gabbeh-9 @Jobedu :)

Where can I buy bath bombs?

Check out @The Body Shop as well as @Natural Looks
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