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63 Fans
Shakespeare and Co.

Shakespeare and Co.

3.75 Stars - 4 Votes


3rd Circle, Zahran St. - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Thur - Fri
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I have my 16th birthday party?

@Shakespeare and Co. is new and kind of like walking into a fantasy. The decor is fun and there are good desserts for a birthday!

Where can I find places to do birthdays for adults?

You should check out @Shakespeare and Co. they have great argeelah and their upstairs section is very nice! I am sure if you called ahead you could reserve for a party.

Where can I find a perfect place for a birthday gathering for a lot of people?

@Shakespeare and Co. I had my birthday in here, and invited lots of people, the service was really good and the room can handle large number of people, you can reserve the top floor for you

Where can I find a suitable medium sized inexpensive venue for a birthday party (dancing appropriate)?

@Shakespeare and Co. their upstairs section is very nice! I am sure if you called ahead you could reserve for a party. And their prices are average

Where can I find good restaurants to host a birthday party?

The best that i have heard of is @La Maison Verte its very fancy or @Shakespeare and Co.

Where can I have food that will keep me nice and toasty?

@Shakespeare and Co. The food was of high standard. The decor and ambiance were both nice. Pricing is towards the high end, but I would like to think that it's worth it.

Where can I find a delicious cozy place to eat at?

Try @Pizza Roma Cafe and @Shakespeare and Co. the place is very cozy and their food is really good
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