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195 Fans
Select Foods Shoppe

Select Foods Shoppe

3 Stars - 8 Votes


Massoud Bin Nasir St. Sami Khawaja Complex, Near Royal Jordanian Terminal - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find decaf tea?

@Select Foods Shoppe they have decaf tea. Black decaffeinated tea, Ginkgo Clarity Caffeine free (supports memory), Chai Rooibos caffeine free (warming & spicy sweet), Lemon Ginger caffeine free (supports healthy digestion), Stomach Ease caffeine free (supports healthy digestion).

Where can I buy beans & legumes seeds?

500grams for 2.5jds and the brand is Ellebi @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I get bertolli’s/ragu alfredo sauce?

They have Ragu only garlic Parmesan and creamy mozzarella but Alfredo only Classico @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I find organic hair products?

@Select Foods Shoppe actually have some organic hair products, I was there the other day and I saw a couple if things but I can't recall the brands
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