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195 Fans
Select Foods Shoppe

Select Foods Shoppe

3 Stars - 8 Votes


Massoud Bin Nasir St. Sami Khawaja Complex, Near Royal Jordanian Terminal - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find konjac food products?

Maybe you will find a hard time looking for this product but since it’s Asian you should search @Select Foods Shoppe or @Chinese Supermarket

Where can I find canned spaghetti?

I haven't seen canned spaghetti in Amman so far. Usually they have the ready-made sauce in cans or jars, all you got to do is heat it up. For special sauces, flavors, or unique items you wouldn't find elsewhere, check out @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I eat tteokbokki?

I was looking for this dish awhile back too! Unfortunately, no one in Amman prepares it! I even contacted the only Korean restaurant in Amman and they said they don't prepare it either. Since I was majorly craving, I did some digging and stumbled on this recipe: https://mykoreankitchen.com/tteokbokki-spicy-rice-cakes/ . I think you can find everything at supermarkets selling specialty items like @Select Foods Shoppe the other choice is @Chinese Supermarket , it sells all kinds of oriental food

Where can I find vegan burger patties?

I dont think you can find them anywhere, usually people prepare them at home but check @Select Foods Shoppe because they have a lot of vegan products
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