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96 Fans
SAE Institute

SAE Institute

4.25 Stars


Airport Rd. Before Marj Al Hamam Bridge - Naour



Operating Hours:

Sun - Thur
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I take IT training courses?

You can take course @Princess Sumaya University for Technology they have courses you can take you may want to also look into @SAE Institute and of course there is always @University Of Jordan

Where can I take animation classes with flexible hours?

@SAE Institute - They have audio production, film production and many other forms of producing arts. I'm sure you'll find animation courses there. www.saejordan.com

Where can I find a recording studio?

There ia @Pioneers in 5th circle also the @SAE Institute they have.

Where can I find course in film-making for an amateur?

@SAE Institute had a film course in the past, check it out, they might have another!

Where can I find a free photography course?

I don't know about free that is very difficult to find almost anywhere in the world but you can go to @SAE Institute they do offer photography courses

Where can I learn photography?

@SAE Institute - Offers a lot of creative courses!

Where can I find a school to teach me photoshop?

@SAE Institute - SAE Provides you with professional Courses

Where can I take a short graphic design course?

I don't know about short, but you can find classes @SAE Institute
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