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96 Fans
SAE Institute

SAE Institute

4.25 Stars


Airport Rd. Before Marj Al Hamam Bridge - Naour



Operating Hours:

Sun - Thur
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I take photography lessons?

Check out @SAE Institute they provide photography classes

Where can I find the best filmmaking courses?

@SAE Institute This degree explores the creative and technical aspects of film making within ... The principles of film production and visual techniques

Where can I find acting classes for adults?

@SAE Institute Offers Acting and Dramatical Space Course, here's the link check it out https://jordan.sae.edu/en/training-course/film/acting/

Where can I take social media courses?

@SAE Institute social media courses available and other courses related to Digital marketing

Where can I find a good, affordable photography course (not online)?

@SAE Institute has photography courses that are really great and well taught!

Where can I find a green screen and also tell me the price?

@SAE Institute استوديو الشاشة الخضراء یتمیز بجاهزیته لاستضافة برامج تلفزیونیة وبرامج حیة مباشرة. وهو مجهز بإعدادات إضاءة تشمل ثماني أضواء Kino (إضاءة نهاریة ولمبات تنغستن) وكامیرات، إلى جانب غیرها من معدات الأفلام المتوفرة في SAE بما في ذلك مظلات التحكم بالظلال و الستاند ومجموعة من أضواء

Where can I buy a green screen?

Well the only one I know is a tented green screen @SAE Institute you can always ask whether they will be willing to sell it

Where can I DJ?

Do you mean "learn" or "find"? If learn; you can try @SAE Institute and if you need a DJ; then ask @Robina Studio

Where can I take video editing courses?

The most well known place to do something like that would be to go to @SAE Institute
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