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216 Fans


4.5 Stars - 12 Votes


Issa Al Naouri St. Cozmo Center, Ground Floor - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find a happy birthday card?

@Readers and @Virgin Megastore have cute birthday cards.

Where can I buy American gods and art of seduction book?

Check "ay ketab" page on facebook you can order them there or through @Jamalon and @Readers

Where can I find "American Gods" book?

@Books@Cafe @Readers @The Good Book Shop

Where can I buy English novels?

@Readers @Virgin Megastore @Jamalon

Where can I find vogue magazine?

Last time i checked they had them at @Virgin Megastore and @Readers .. i called both but neither picked up so you might wanna give both a call as a start

Where can I get accessories for bookworms?

You can find many things in @Readers that i am sure you'll like

Where can I find cool school stationary?

@Samir & Ghassan Stationery & Art Supplies or go to @Readers you may find a couple cool things there like notebooks

Where can I find big dinosaur toys and books?

You can find dinosaur books @Readers and toys @Toys Land
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