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216 Fans


4.5 Stars - 12 Votes


Issa Al Naouri St. Cozmo Center, Ground Floor - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find this book called the girl with the silver eyes?

@Books@Cafe , and if it's out of stock they would order it for you.You can try @Readers to either the one in Cozmo or Taj Mall

Where can I buy books?

Virgin Mega Store doesn't have a good collection , Prime Mega Store also have a small collection instead you can go to @The Good Book Shop in Rainbow street where you can order books or @Readers in Taj Mall or near Cozmo , Also @Titles in Abdoun is very good but the prices are higher in compassion with all of the above , you can visit @Prime Bookstore in Baraka Mall , they have an interesting collection And last you can go tho the @Jordan Book Centre in Queen Rania St.(Jam3a) I guess that's all

Where can I buy a JanSport backpack and for how much?

You can find them in a lot of places, which I could tell you but the price I don't know. I do remember however that during the back to school sale that @Readers were selling them but it cost around 50-80 JD

Where can I find the book "Kurt Cobain Journals"?

Order it from @Jamalon or through Cashbasha.com

Where can I find the best bookstore?

@Readers is my all times favorite they have a huge collection of books in every genre

Where can I find a place that sells SAO Light novel and Fairy Tail Manga?

you might find them in @Virgin Megastore but sometimes they don't have everything so you should try @Readers if you couldnt find them just order them thru @Cash Basha

Where can I find a job at a bookstore?

You can apply to @Readers or @Jabal Tariq Bookshop they might hire you.. but also keep an eye on their social media!

Where can I find travel books?

@Readers you can find Travel guides there
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