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Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Princess Sumaya University for Technology


Khaleel Al Saket St. - Jubeiha



Operating Hours:

Sun - Thur
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I learn coding from scratch?

@Princess Sumaya University for Technology have an initiative called Codability and its impact is quite measurable. Check them out.

Where can I buy used books?

in front of @Princess Sumaya University for Technology there is a bokkshop sells and buys used books

Where can I trade old books with new ones?

There is a bookshop in front of @Princess Sumaya University for Technology that sells and buys used books.

Where can I find a debate club?

@Princess Sumaya University for Technology has MUN yearly, you can sign up by staying up to date with registration on PSUT MUN facebook page!

Where can I take IT training courses?

You can take course @Princess Sumaya University for Technology they have courses you can take you may want to also look into @SAE Institute and of course there is always @University Of Jordan

Where can I buy Tortellini pasta (fresh or frozen)?

You can find fresh pasta at maysas pasta its delicious . you can find her on face book " maysas pasta " or call her 0795717125 > her work shop close to @Princess Sumaya University for Technology
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