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54 Fans
PC Circle

PC Circle


Bldg. #15 Al Zamakhshari St. - Sports City


+9626515 2390

Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy a cheap iPad/touch pen for studying?

@PC Circle Universal Solid Touch Screen Pen For iPhone iPad Samsung Tablet PC Stylus Pen Caneta Touch 1 JD

Where can I find sustainable cheap wireless high quality headphones?

there are many qualities with different prices, @PC Circle and @Green Dara Stars for Computers you can have a look at their website and know the prices and the brands with the quality

Where can I buy a TV Android box (suitable for Kodi)?

well @PC Circle and @GTS - Glory For Technology Services used to have them but now it's out of stock. You can order from them.

Where can I find Arabic language keyboard stickers?

@GTS - Glory For Technology Services @City Center Computers @PC Circle and basically any store with computer on their banner

Where can I get Microsoft Office?

@PC Circle they only have Microsoft Office 365 Personal Subscription and it costs 40 JD

Where can I buy a quality laptop (apple, hp, dell) but for a cheap price?

@PC Circle DELL INSPIRON 3567 - 299 JD, HP Notebook 15-ra009ne - 189 JD

Where can I find a universal laptop charger?

@PC Circle HuntKey universal laptop 45 W (15 JD) - 65 W (17 JD) - 90 W (20 JD)
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