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54 Fans
PC Circle

PC Circle


Bldg. #15 Al Zamakhshari St. - Sports City


+9626515 2390

Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I sell a broken TV (the inner screen is broken and everything else is fine)?

You can try @OpenSooq or you can either fix it and sell it to @City Center Computers or @PC Circle they buy used computers

Where can I find a store that sells TP-link TL-WN722N version one (or specialized in wireless network adapters)?

@PC Circle the TP-LINK 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter TL-WN722N, I bought it yesterday, it costs 9 JD

Where can I find a Lenovo laptop charger plug?

check out this Facebook page " city center computers " or @PC Circle
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