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133 Fans


5 Stars - 9 Votes


Bldg. #19 Cairo St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I eat really good yet inexpensive Chinese food (Abdoun)?

@Wox and Company is good and in Abdoun and although I haven't been in a long time, I don't remember it being very expensive. They also serve a few Chinese dishes at @Noodasia but it might be a bit pricier.

Where can I eat deep fried sushi?

overfloods their buffet with deep-friend sushi. @Noodasia

Where can I find the best sushi place?

Consistently awesome and extremely affordable, a personal favorite @Noodasia

Where can I buy udon noodle?

If you want to use it for cooking you might find @Miles or @Cozmo if for dinning out you might try @Noodasia

Where can I find a place that has a lunch buffet?

@Noodasia every Thursday all you can eat asian food for 25JD

Where can I find a Vietnamese restaurant?

@Noodasia serve some good Vietnamese dishes like the Vietnamese roles!

Where can I eat the best Ramen?

@Noodasia & @The Lettuce And The Fish & @Buddah Club

Where can I have the best noodle soup?

What kind of noodle soup? Cause if you mean like Ramen then go to @Noodasia
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