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133 Fans


5 Stars - 9 Votes


Bldg. #19 Cairo St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I eat lunch at 3 pm in Abdoun?

@The Rice and the Noodle , @Books@Cafe , @The Burgery , @Noodasia or @Little Italy

Where can I find a Chinese buffet?

@Noodasia has a wonderful buffet going on every night during Ramadan

Where can I find Japanese cuisine?

I love @The Lettuce And The Fish their sushi is fresh and light also give @Noodasia a try I find them to be a little over priced but very yummy!

Where can I find a non expensive sushi place?

I have tied all the places which Leila had mentioned ... My favorite is @Noodasia where you can find the richest sushi buffet among all in terms of variety and quantity

Where can I find a thai restaurant?

The best place is in abdoun circle on your left after the bank it's called@Noodasia It's the best I've had

Where can I have asian soup?

@Umami Asian Fusion or @Noodasia

Where can I eat Thai cuisine?

@Noodasia - Beautiful atmosphere and very delicious food!

Where can I eat California sushi rolls with cream cheese?

@Yoshi , @Ren Chai , @Noodasia , @Wox and Company , @Umami Asian Fusion
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