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20 Fans


5 Stars - 5 Votes


Paris Circle - Jabal Lweibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 days a week except Friday
Sat - Thu
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a breakfast spot?

i would most highly recommend @Namliyeh their french toast is HEAVENLY!

Where can I eat the best pancakes?

@Namliyeh has some of the best pancakes and french toast in town! But call them first to check for avaiblabity

Where can I find a shop that sells tea blends for a bargain?

@Namliyeh sells tea blends that are really special, like nothing I've ever tried before. You can buy a pouch for 3 JDs that's enough to make two pots of tea. Or you can go with a 40 gram bag which costs 5 JDs.

Where can I find sugar free jam?

I'm not sure if this helps but @Namliyeh have low sugar ones that are really good.

Where can I find honey dipper?

i think ive seen them at @Wild Jordan Center 's souvenir shop and at @Namliyeh

Where can I buy homemade jams?

There is a place called @Namliyeh in jabal al lwebdeh directly on paris circle. hope it helps!
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