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24 Fans
Music Whale

Music Whale

4 Stars


Shat Al Arab St. Diva Building - Um Uthaina



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Where can I rent a piano?

@Music Whale Pianos for sale and Pianos for rent program

Where can I find good music classes?

@Music Whale it's a great center for music they have private piano classes, guitar and violin and dancing classes for adults. They also offer ballet lessons for kids and their teachers are so good, employee are so professional and the place is generally big, clean and comfortable

Where can I find piano classes for a 5 years old child?

@Music Whale specializes in music lessons for kids of young age

Where can I decorate my guitar?

Can you tell me more about what your looking for? But till then, check out @Freddy for Music and @Music Whale

Where can I teach my 4 year old daughter to play piano or violin?

@bluebird music academy @Music Whale and also @iPlay Music Center
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