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Rainbow St. - Jabal Amman



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Where can I customize a shirt (تفصيل قميص)?

@Mlabbas prints designs on shirts like: prints, drawings and stuff, but doesn't actually make/design a shirt ما بفصل قمصان بس بيعمل تصاميم.

Where can I print my initials or name on my football shoes?

If you order your shoes from @Nike or @Adidas online, you have the option to get them engraved with whatever you want. You can also get it done in Amman @Mlabbas or @Ingrave-it but I cant promise you they will do it with the best of quality

Where can I get cute custom baby clothing?

@Mlabbas has amazing designs and you can customize your own. you can do vests, bibs, onesies, hoodies, tshirts & long sleeves and the prices depends on what type of design & shirt

Where can I find a place that sells funny,creative swim suits?

If you get a normal plain black/white/blue swimsuit, you can always take it to @Mlabbas and see if they're able to customize it for you

Where can I find BFF shirt and how much does it take so they could do it?

@Mlabbas you give tem the design you want and they take around 10-15 JDs and if they dont have too many orders you can pick it up after you order it in 30-60 minutes

Where can I find BFF shirt?

you can customize t-shirts @Mlabbas
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