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4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find heavy cream?

Actually you can find it at any store, @Miles @Carrefour @Safeway @Centro Stores

Where can I find coconut oil?

Do you need it for beauty purposes or food? @Sharmiran has it for beauty. @Miles has the edible one

Where can I find Schweppes?

I saw that @Miles have them. They have the tonic water, ginger and soda water

Where can I find plant based nuggets and escalope?

there are yummy ones at @Miles they sell nabil there and there's alwayyys frozen plant based foods

Where can I get double bubble?

You'll mostly find them @Cozmo or @Miles

Where can I find matcha tea?

@Select Foods Shoppe or @Miles they both sell them

Where can I find rainbow creamer?

you find fine it @Cozmo @Safeway @Miles or any other local supermarket around the corner!

Where can I buy Loyal disinfectant?

You can find it in any grocery store, like @Cozmo @Carrefour & @Miles

Where can I find dulce la leche spread?

Not sure you can find it in Jordan but you can look for it @Cozmo or @Miles

Where can I find all Reese’s Chocolate flavors?

Have you tried looking @Cozmo @Centro Stores or @Miles & @Safeway
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