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4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find coconut oil?

Do you need it for beauty purposes or food? @Sharmiran has it for beauty. @Miles has the edible one

Where can I find Schweppes?

I saw that @Miles have them. They have the tonic water, ginger and soda water

Where can I find plant based nuggets and escalope?

there are yummy ones at @Miles they sell nabil there and there's alwayyys frozen plant based foods

Where can I get double bubble?

You'll mostly find them @Cozmo or @Miles

Where can I find matcha tea?

@Select Foods Shoppe or @Miles they both sell them

Where can I find rainbow creamer?

you find fine it @Cozmo @Safeway @Miles or any other local supermarket around the corner!

Where can I buy Loyal disinfectant?

You can find it in any grocery store, like @Cozmo @Carrefour & @Miles

Where can I find dulce la leche spread?

Not sure you can find it in Jordan but you can look for it @Cozmo or @Miles

Where can I find all Reese’s Chocolate flavors?

Have you tried looking @Cozmo @Centro Stores or @Miles & @Safeway

Where can I find an easy way to make Arabic coffee?

My personal favorite is nestle they now offer easy to make arabic coffee, you can find it at any local grocery shop like @Miles or @Cozmo

Where can I buy elephant garlic?

You can find them at any local store like @Safeway or @Miles
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