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248 Fans


4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy water for my gallon water supplier?

if you tell me your area there are some water suppliers but @Cozmo and @Miles you can find them

Where can I find vegan food?

also check @Miles in Mecca Mall, theres a section for vegan food

Where can I find fresh jalapeno pepper?

@Miles they should have them wether you want the actual raw jalapeno in the veggie section or some pickled ones i the deli section.

Where can I buy udon noodle?

If you want to use it for cooking you might find @Miles or @Cozmo if for dinning out you might try @Noodasia

Where can I find the Nescafe red mug, the mug itself?

it came as an offer with large nescafe pack, check out @Miles or @Virgin Megastore or@Safeway or any large supermarket if they still have that offer

Where can I find Fiji water?

@Cozmo and @Miles at @Centro Stores

Where can I get low carb flour?

@Select Foods Shoppe or @Miles

Where can I buy cadbury creme eggs?

@Miles , @Cozmo and @Habiba Stores
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