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Where can I find vegan food


Amman, Jordan




I think you need try @Cozmo they might have what you need.

thank you, i did, i did not found very little in cozmo..
Can I ask specifically what are you looking for?!
yes, sure, i found a bit of tofu,i can relate to that as it's not asian country, i wish i could find more varieties.Did not find tempeh,vegan bread, non diary yogurt,butter.
Are these like Organic Food?!
Organic food and vegan food is very different. Vegan means you do not eat any meat or diary products (depending on the person). Where organic just means the food is not processed with chemicals.
nope:) i have mentioned only vegan food, with no animal ingredients.I am pretty much aware what is vegan & organic :) Thank you for clearing that up in here anyways ;)
I know Tinaa I meant that comment for akhalaf191 who seemed unsure :)
Thank you for clearing it out!! At now I know the difference!! Thank you Adriana
You are welcome akhalaf191 :)
lol, great :))) thank you Adriana! Thx everyone for suggestions , very helpful !

Check Gardens st. - near Forsan sweet complex - building near the complex in the 4th floor, theres a Chinese market every Friday, they sale Tofu and some Vegan products with good prices...

oh woow, this is great, can u give me more details on how to find it? If you have a phone number or any other info. Thank you anyways, very helpful !
Thanks Mahmoud. I have been asking around. My Japanese neighbour told me it is somewhere in Sportscity where she usually gets her fishballs. Really miss my tofu and tempeh!!!

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