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25 Fans

Kildani Tailoring

4 Stars


Bldg. #13 Hamra St. HIjjawi Complex - Swefieh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a good tailor for delicate fabric dresses?

@Kildani Tailoring Provides tailoring services for both men and women, with expertise in formal dresses and delicate fabrics. 

Where can I find the best tailoring service?

This type of vest is easy to make. Just show the tailor the design you want and they will make it . Check out @Miral Tailor Shop or @Kildani Tailoring

Where can I find a women’s tailor?

There is a place in Sweifieh called @Kildani Tailoring he is an excellent tailor that does tailoring for both genders

Where can I find a 19th century ish woman dress?

there is a place on the same floor as @Kildani Tailoring called Ygoda's house of Style or House of Fashion. You can go to them and they can custom make you any dress you want, I've seen some of the work they did for a school play and was impressed
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